power struggles
This morning I didn't let E take any dress-up clothes to school because she had tried to sneak 5 dresses and tutus past me, stuffed in her pillow case. She lied when I asked what was in there. So we had lots of crying and accusations of unfairness, etc. in the car on the way to preschool. Some of the best lines:
E: "I never get to do everything I want!"
me: "No one ever gets to do everything they want"
E: "Pippi Longstocking does!"
E: "I wish you and Daddy could go to another land so I could do anything I want."
me: "You want to live like Pippi Longstocking?"
E: (reflective pause, change of tone) "But I don't know how I could... I don't know how to cook stuff!"
At least we moms are good for something!!
Little does she know we all want to live like Pippy now and again.
Pippi Longstocking!OMG! She was my hero!!! I still have my book!
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