Thursday, February 01, 2007

uncertain weather

My workplace was closed today due to "uncertain weather". The forecast had called for freezing rain and icy roads, but so far all we've had is some light snow and regular rain. That always seems to happen - when you prepare for the weather, it changes its mind. So the only work I've done today is attend two telephone meetings and read part of an article. It's too hard to focus on work when I'm at home with two such cute people as David and Emma.

Emma is getting better (and more opinionated) at feeding herself with a spoon. She's following some simple instructions (sometimes, like "sit down"), answering some questions with a head shake, and she spontaneously started using the sign for "more" that I was trying to get her to use a few months ago. She said "nah-nah" (night-night) to me when I put her in the crib for her nap today. She and I are pretty in tune with each other non-verbally, so I need to remind myself to pretend that I can't actually "read her mind" so that she will feel motivated to talk.


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