Wednesday, June 04, 2008

defining Daddy

David is working out of town again. In his absence E comments on the things he does with her, like tickling and coming out to the car to get her at the end of the day. Just before he left, she saw the canoe on top of his car and remembered that she rode in it with Daddy. Yesterday we went to return a video at the video store and she said something like, "Daddy go video store with me." I could tell by her tone that she was remembering something fun or happy. Monday I tried to explain he was working and that his work was painting. She said "Daddy paint houses" -- where did she get that idea? I said no, he's painting in a theatre. "What's a theatre?" Uh..., how do you explain that if she's never (within her memory) been in one? Maybe her daddy could send a picture of him painting in a theatre so I can show her....


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