Tuesday, May 16, 2006

I don't believe it - insomnia!

Something wakes you up in the night (a babbling baby, a rambunctious kitten, a full bladder, pick one...). You have to get up to deal with it; you see that you have almost 2 hours before time to really get up. "Good, I can go back to sleep," you think. Small things happen - the kitten is trying to tell you something by tearing down the hall like a bat out of hell; you remember something you were supposed to do at work yesterday; you decide to turn off the fan; you change your mind and turn it back on.... By now you're awake enough to be worried. You stop yourself from further activity, get comfortable, try to relax. Your husband is breathing too loudly. Is that the neighbor's dog barking? Will this stupid kitten wake the baby? Forgot to clean the litterbox yesterday, maybe that's what's bothering her. Should you clean it now? No, that would wake you up too much. You decide to move to the couch, take the baby monitor and alarm clock. Check the baby still has her blanket on. You wonder whether you should just get up and do something useful, but you hate to give up on the idea of more sleep - this is your chance! Probably just an hour left, now, before either the alarm or the baby gets hungry. You start to get sleepy, physically, but your mind is wandering around - bumping into suspenseful plots of tv shows, memories of old neighbors and acquaintances, and oh-oh, memories of past mistakes. Adrenalin surge into exhausted limbs. Okay, calm down, don't fight it, just process it. Kitten is still wild. Old cat is so excited that you've joined her on the couch, she can't decide which part of you to sleep on. Deep breaths, don't fight it. Concentrate on the memory of sleep. Eventually you get really sleepy - ah, at last, you think. But you know it must be close to 5 am by now. Both cats finally stopped moving. ... ... ... Awakened from half-sleep by kitten scratching on furniture, hiss at her. Know that the alarm is about to ring, which it does. Get up mad. Eat chocolate chip cookies.


At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry -- it must be in the genes! Sounds like many a night for me!


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