Monday, May 08, 2006


Another couple of wake-up tips:

* if there is no one else still in the bed when you're getting out of it, pull the covers up and make the bed immediately -- it looks too tempting when you can see the sheets that you long to crawl back into!
* chocolate is a good pick-me-up, but be careful with this one :)
* typing a blog is a good idea, but only if you already have in mind something to say (if you don't, you'll just stare at the screen in a stupor)

We had a very full weekend. Last week was my first "part-time" week, and E and I spent the day Friday with our friends Marie and Victor. Marie works three days a week and her son Victor goes to the same babysitter. (I've set a link to Marie's blog over on the sidebar.) So Emma and Victor hang out together a lot. Victor is almost 8 months old, so he shows Emma the ropes. The sitter, Erma, says he has two speeds: "fast" and "off". But when it gets too much for our laid-back girl, she tells Victor to chill out - by squealing at him! Saturday was when we bought the car seat (see earlier post), and I got my hair cut that evening. Emma went with me and had her bangs trimmed (for the 3rd time!). Sunday we had visitors and we also made a brief appearance at a party for one of David's friends (where E was frightened by someone's booming voice but then calmed - and monopolized - by someone else's grandparents). So by last night after it was all over and her dad had left for Fayetteville for the week, Emma was happy to simply sit and be left alone to read/eat the tag on her bunny blanket, and we both were exhausted.

I'm determined to get to work on time this week. Better get a move on.


At 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The shower would probably be a good immediate waker-upper, but it's just too bold for me! I have to wake up more gently.


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