Wednesday, October 11, 2006

11 months old

Eleven months old as of last night, E is becoming a little "toddler". Marie referred to our kids as toddlers the other day and it gave me a sinking feeling in my heart. Of course I'm excited and proud of my daughter's development (if she wasn't growing up I'd be seriously worried!), but I'm also really going to miss having a "baby". Parenthood sure brings a strange mix of emotions doesn't it?

Several months ago I recorded E's first wave, but she never really practiced it til this past weekend. Monday morning when I took her in the bedroom to say goodbye to Daddy for the day, she waved at him without any prompting. Monday evening she would wave whenever I carried her into another room, or when I picked her up and started walking. At Erma's she waved at the cats, and yesterday she waved goodbye to me when I left her there. She seems to associate waving with being carried, and with transition from one place to another.

One worry on my mind - I think she's getting another cold and I wonder how awful that's going to be on our plane trip on Sunday!


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